Flexible Packaging Films
Sorts of Flexible Packaging Films:
According to the usage of plastic film, there are agricultural film (according to its specific application, it can be divided into mulch film and greenhouse film), packaging film (according to its specific application, it can be classified into food packaging film and packaging film for various industrial products, etc.) And used in special environments and have special purpose breathable films, water-soluble films and films with piezoelectric properties.
What we the mainly products we sell is plastic packaging film.
What is flexible packaging film?
There are two types of flexible packaging, stretch wrap packaging and various bags. Stretch wrap packaging is composed of a plastic film that has not yet formed a packaging shape. The film is simply wound on one or more products to be packaged and fixed in place in some form.
The plastic bag is made into a certain shape before the product is put in or while the product is put in. The most common is to heat seal the plastic edge to form this shape.
What we sell is this type.
The most common bags are stand-up bags,8 seal bags and flat bags.
Flexible Packaging Films is now widely used in electronics, food, grease, juice, jam, dairy, beverages, alcohol, tea, cigarettes, medicine, health care products, cosmetics, small household appliances, clothing, toys, sporting goods and other industries and product packaging Supporting industries are an indispensable industry.
In the modern packaging industry, flexible packaging has become one of the most important packaging forms for shelf sales due to its brilliant colors, rich functions, and diverse forms of expression. The progress of the flexible packaging industry has greatly promoted the development of the food, daily chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries, which in turn has further stimulated the demand for the flexible packaging market, which has enabled the flexible packaging industry to gain tremendous market momentum.
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